Sign Number: W-136 E
Corridor: Broken Arrow
Driving Directions:
Latitude / Longitude: ,
Google Maps Latitude / Longitude: ,
Side of Highway: South
Facing: East
Direction of Traffic: West bound traffic
DMA: Tulsa
Suburb / Corridor: Broken Arrow, 74011
Average Household Income: $29,802
Surrounding Zipcodes: 74008, 74011, 74012, 74133
Location Benefits: Heavy cummuter traffic headed to and from Tulsa, Jenks, Bixby. Fastest way from South Broken arrow to Jenks and Bixby.
Retail: Walmart, Goodwill, Cato, dollartree, Adams Pet Shop, Leslie’s Pool Supplies, Southpark Veteranary Hospital.
School Districts: Broken Arrow Public Schools
Entertainment: Warren Theatre Broken Arrow
Healthcare: Hilcrest South (2.91mi), St. Fracncis (2.54mi)
Daily Traffic Count: 42,900
DEC (Daily Effective Circulation) *: 69,927
GRP (Suburb / Corridor) *:
GRP (DMA) *:
Weekly Impressions: 300,300
4-Week Impressions: 1,201,200
Monthly Impressions: 1,280,000
* Daily Effective Circulation (D.E.C.) is the average number of passers-by or persons (18+ years) in cars or other vehicles, that could potentially be exposed to an advertising display or billboard for either 12 hours (unilluminated – 6:00am to 6:00pm) or 18 hours (illuminated – 6:00am to 12:00 midnight) on an average day.
* Gross Rating Points (GRP) are the total number of in-market impressions delivered by an Out of Home (OOH) or outdoor billboard campaign schedule expressed as a percentage of a market population and is a measure of advertising impact.
Product Type: Size:
Product Advantages:
Spots per Loop:
Dwell Time:
Frequencies per 24-Hour Period: